My Blog List

Friday, March 30, 2012



Those of you, who know me, are aware of the disorder I have......disorganization.  My brain just is not wired for organization.  It's a terrible thing, but I have to take ownership of it!  Step into my house, if I don't know you are coming over, and you will be greeted with clothes on the couch, shoes in various places, mail piled up on the dresser next to the door and dishes needing to be done.  I actually have a place for all of these things..I just don't take the time out of my day to put this stuff away.  Yep!! It is pure laziness and I am not proud of it. I try to change it and it is slowly getting better.  Once my place is cleaned I try harder.  But the minute something gets out of whack, my brain just stops processing orderliness. before you come, so I can tidy up a bit.
Anyway, back to my purpose of writing this...I tried to get my 4H club papers turned in today.  BUT, I found, one application was not signed by a parent, one was the completely wrong application and one had to be completely filled out.  So, out of 7 kids and 3 adults, I got 6 apps turned in and have 4 left to be signed.  I hope my May 1 deadline for the rest of the paperwork has a better outcome than today.    Jayde told me to get better organized.  So, I sat down, and put things in files, folders and envelopes.  Labeled all of them and redid the calendar.  All the important dates are highlighted and the event written on the proper day.  I even made an outline of what the kids need to discuss at the next meeting.  Once we get this going, I will probably come up with 7 different other things I should have done.

As I told the kids and parents in the beginning; this is my first year heading up a 4H club, I am going to make mistakes, hopefully keeping them down to a minimum.  I pray they will be patient with me.  I am trying to make this a better year than we had last year.  The advisor meetings will help me with what I need to focus on.  I have to let the kids run their own meeting, but I can guide them along the way.
So, this was my organized mess vent session.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring break!!!!  Haven't had one of those since I was a kid.  What am I going to do with myself for all that time off?  CLEAN, CLEAN and CLEAN!!!!  I think I will start with the living quarters of the house and get that done.  Then, I have 2 attics stuffed full of stuff.  Who knows what treasures I may find????  Jonathan has given me a list of things to watch for when I start on one attic.

I would like to eventually get to the garage.  That is where the cool stuff is.  The attic is full of stuff out there.  I knew it would come to this one day.  Gotta get it cleaned out.  I would like to start keeping other stuff in there.  Crap!  I'm going to need one humongous dumpster!!!! haha


You know, as a child, we used to take trips on spring break.  And on shut-down during summer break.  My family loved to travel.  It seemed that we went to Florida almost every year, maybe every other year. My grandparents lived in Crestview, Fl along with my aunt and uncle.  We would stop and visit my aunt and uncle in Tennessee on the way down.  Sometimes we would stop in Georgia and visit my other aunt and uncle.  Mom always said she hated Georgia, cause it was so stinkin' hot!  I remember mom would always be the one to tally the gas mileage when we would stop for gas.  And there would be a quick conversation about whether this tank would get them where they wanted to stop next for gas.  Silly memories....but good ones.


Travel, this year, at spring break will cost an arm and a leg, with gas pushing $4 a gallon.  But, people keep on going.  It doesn't seem to deter people from driving.  Maybe they are consolidating their trips to include more things, instead of individual trips for each thing.  Who knows?  I just know that it is taking a bite out of my bank account, and I just don't like it.  I try to shop locally more.  Even though it is a higher price in my small town, I consider how much it cost to put gas in my tank to get to the bigger town.
Well, I think this is going to be one of my rambling posts.  I had started out wanting to focus on spring break, but it kinda got away from me.  SORRY!  


OH, I just had a great idea for spring break!  One night, I will turn off the power and we will have a candle lit night with cards and board games.  We will grill out and hang out and talk.  Those are really great times.  Jayde loves it when we have a storm and the power goes out.  It's a thought...


Take your pick!

Have a beautiful Spring day!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Our Aussie

Puppies are amazing creatures.  The books and pamphlets all say keep certain things out of their reach.  They did not tell you that the dog will search these things out just because they are not allowed to have them.

Things I have found, chewed up, in his favorite chewing spot, under the dining room table:

1. a packet of batteries (which had been put in the headboard of the bed) twice!

2. bras

3. shoes

4. sure-jell packet from the kitchen table

5. an array of stuffed animals with the stuffing left for mommy to pluck out of the carpet

6. Jayde's homework  ( yes the dog really did eat her homework)

7. did I mention my bras?  OH, yeah!

8. underwear from the laundry basket! HA!

9. the newspaper roll that is, or should I say, WAS used to correct him ...... hmmm, think he was trying to tell me something???

10. socks, ripped to shreds

11. Jayde's face make-up and nail polish

12. various food packages from the trash

13. books with the corners chewed up

14.  candles

15. squeakers from his stuffed animals

16. Tennis balls, stripped of their outer coating

17. tug-o-war ropes that have been shredded

18. cell phone charging cord

19. lamp cord

20. various pieces of wood bark from our woodburning room (one of his favorites)

I am sure there are more things, that I have found, unmentioned in this post, but I would probably be here all day listing them.

smile for the camera Aussie!!!

Hopefully, once he is past this, "I'm going to chew up everything I can pick up with my mouth" stage, we can get our house back to normal.

Yes, owning a 9 month old Australian Shepherd can be quite fulfilling, but it can be somewhat expensive, too.  

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Covered Books

You think you have a good idea what a person or family is like and you are happy with your mental picture of them.  Then, BAM, one conversation with someone and that picture blows up in your mind.

I have had people tell me that they had a pre-conceived notion of what my family is like and were taken aback when they found out we are not the perfect family that they thought we were.  

Every family has their skeletons.  Some are just hidden better than others.  Some are flat-out obvious.  Then there are the ones that hide them so well, you would never guess what is really going on behind closed doors.  Those are the ones that end up in tragedy.  Somebody who out of the blue overdoses, commits suicide, or goes crazy on drugs, raises the red flag that something is amiss in the household.

Community support cannot help a family who holds on to a secret.  Only when a desperate person, who cannot contain the secret any longer, speaks up, can the help and healing begin.  

The thing that is hiding in their closet is not going to stay there forever.  Everyone has to clean their closets sometime, and when they do, it makes the whole place messy, but eventually everything gets put in it's place.

That is just what is on my mind tonight.  I had one of those BAM moments today.  It has really made me stop to think about lots of different people in my life.  More and more things have been revealed to me recently.  Mostly about people who sit just outside of my personal bubble, but are close enough to make me stop and say, "HUH!  Wow!  Never would have guessed that about them."  Not that I want to clear up the matter with them, because I don't feel it is my place, but still, to have that BAM was kinda life altering.  

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The birds are back!!!

My school bus route takes me through some very pretty local countryside.  Among the scenery, I happen to enjoy almost every day, is the kettle of Turkey Vultures that migrate to Kiser Lake each year.  I have watched them come and go as the seasons change, and can almost pinpoint the day they arrive and depart.  My first sighting of them, this year was 2 days ago, as they were prominently perched in their favorite tree, overlooking the lake.  I quickly counted approximately 15 of them.  As I wound my way through the park, I noticed 3 more trees filled with my feathered friends.  It is so nice to have them back.  They will be here until about the last week of October, when they will take flight to their winter habitat.

I have taken many photos of them over the years, but none turn out very well.  They are skiddish around human interaction.  I have read that they are quite gentle and non-aggressive birds.  They stick together in a community, like people do.  I think I realized these things when I saw them on the shoreline with the Canadian Geese.  The geese did not fear the ominous looking vulture.  They stood side by side  as if they were hanging out together!

So many times, I have driven my bus through there and the vultures would be in small groups as if they were making plans for the day, deciding who was going to fly where and who was going to be the one to stay home and keep an eye on the home-tree.   I have made up so many stories in my mind about their adventures and I thought about writing a book, but it has not come to fruition, yet.

I will keep my eyes on the road, but glance around to see my feathered friends soaring above me, here and there.  It is just nice to know they are back.  It also tells me that the signs of winter are past and we can look forward to spring, summer and fall.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

New things....

Well, the 4-H meeting finally got started a little late.  We got officers nominated and went over the calendar of things to come.  The kids talked about the fundraising and the politics of the club got taken care of and out of the way.  The name has been changed to include the other projects that will be done, other than horses.  Equine Enterprises, Etc.  Next meeting will be held in 1 week.  Let's see if we can get a standard meeting process accomplished.

And in other daily things, the house is clean once again.  Thanks to the help of my husband and daughter.  We really put an effort into getting it tidy and it looks very nice.  I would still like to get the kitties out of the house.
Any takers????

I took Zumba to my next level.  I started pushing myself a little harder tonight.  Trying to get the leg lifts a little higher and the booty circle a little rounder.  It is a really good workout!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The New Me

I have decided to lose part of myself.  Weight, that is.  It is important to me that I reduce myself by 60 pounds.  I then have the task to tone up all the jiggly parts that will be left over, after I hit my goal weight. Exercising and toning right now is important, so I welcomed Zumba into my life.  I have lost 22 lbs so far.  So I have 40 more, give or take, and a bit more if it comes off.  150 is my goal weight.  I figured if I lost any more than that, I would not look right.

It is amazing that I have not given up on it yet.  I have been fighting to lose 2 more pounds for a couple of weeks now.  I don't think that I can cut back on the calories too much more.  I have increased my activity level each week.  I really don't know what will get me past this plateau.  Hmmmmmm....... any suggestions?

Taking the Lead

I have taken on a new title.  ADVISER.  Not just adviser, but HEAD ADVISER.  For the 4-H club, that is.  I have taken over as head adviser for our 4-H club, Equine Enterprises.  However, the club basically disbanned at fair last year.  So, I have to start from "step 1".  Recruiting new members to make a head count of 5.  

My home will be the site of the first meeting for the new club.  We may even vote to change the name, due to the fact that not everyone will be able to have a horse for their project.  Some of them don't own a horse, or have access to a horse.  Therefore, we will be opening the club up to other projects, as long as it is not another animal.  We would have to have an adviser trained in that field, and all the training is pretty much done for the year.  Go figure!!

I have 1 day to whip this place into shape and whip up some appetizers and come up with a nice speech and presentation to prospective new members.  So, if you don't mind, I will end this here and update you after the meeting is over and I have had a chance to breathe.

GO 4-H!!!!