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Friday, March 23, 2012

Our Aussie

Puppies are amazing creatures.  The books and pamphlets all say keep certain things out of their reach.  They did not tell you that the dog will search these things out just because they are not allowed to have them.

Things I have found, chewed up, in his favorite chewing spot, under the dining room table:

1. a packet of batteries (which had been put in the headboard of the bed) twice!

2. bras

3. shoes

4. sure-jell packet from the kitchen table

5. an array of stuffed animals with the stuffing left for mommy to pluck out of the carpet

6. Jayde's homework  ( yes the dog really did eat her homework)

7. did I mention my bras?  OH, yeah!

8. underwear from the laundry basket! HA!

9. the newspaper roll that is, or should I say, WAS used to correct him ...... hmmm, think he was trying to tell me something???

10. socks, ripped to shreds

11. Jayde's face make-up and nail polish

12. various food packages from the trash

13. books with the corners chewed up

14.  candles

15. squeakers from his stuffed animals

16. Tennis balls, stripped of their outer coating

17. tug-o-war ropes that have been shredded

18. cell phone charging cord

19. lamp cord

20. various pieces of wood bark from our woodburning room (one of his favorites)

I am sure there are more things, that I have found, unmentioned in this post, but I would probably be here all day listing them.

smile for the camera Aussie!!!

Hopefully, once he is past this, "I'm going to chew up everything I can pick up with my mouth" stage, we can get our house back to normal.

Yes, owning a 9 month old Australian Shepherd can be quite fulfilling, but it can be somewhat expensive, too.  

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