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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Covered Books

You think you have a good idea what a person or family is like and you are happy with your mental picture of them.  Then, BAM, one conversation with someone and that picture blows up in your mind.

I have had people tell me that they had a pre-conceived notion of what my family is like and were taken aback when they found out we are not the perfect family that they thought we were.  

Every family has their skeletons.  Some are just hidden better than others.  Some are flat-out obvious.  Then there are the ones that hide them so well, you would never guess what is really going on behind closed doors.  Those are the ones that end up in tragedy.  Somebody who out of the blue overdoses, commits suicide, or goes crazy on drugs, raises the red flag that something is amiss in the household.

Community support cannot help a family who holds on to a secret.  Only when a desperate person, who cannot contain the secret any longer, speaks up, can the help and healing begin.  

The thing that is hiding in their closet is not going to stay there forever.  Everyone has to clean their closets sometime, and when they do, it makes the whole place messy, but eventually everything gets put in it's place.

That is just what is on my mind tonight.  I had one of those BAM moments today.  It has really made me stop to think about lots of different people in my life.  More and more things have been revealed to me recently.  Mostly about people who sit just outside of my personal bubble, but are close enough to make me stop and say, "HUH!  Wow!  Never would have guessed that about them."  Not that I want to clear up the matter with them, because I don't feel it is my place, but still, to have that BAM was kinda life altering.  

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